Monday, December 8, 2008

Morgantown, WV

Today we have arrived in West Virginia University. Upon emerging out of the bus after a 13 hour bus ride, I looked at my surroundings to find fresh snow upon the ground. The cool air was refreshing considering the bus very dry and lacking in good circulation.

Originally we had today off because there were no shows scheduled, but unfortunately another show was added on this day. Fortunately for me, I do not have any kids but it is technically not a day-off. I will be spending it playing catch-up with all the things I have been putting off, such as, laundry, repairs, phone calls, gathering my sanity, etc...

Now don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the kids. Parents, on the other hand, drive me mad! Kids have an excuse because they are young, full of energy, jovial, and basically always at play. Parents are not. They meddle in affairs having nothing to do with them and do not know when their job ends and mine begins. So I am on vacation from parents yet, sadly, I will miss the kids.

I also plan on seeing the show, having a real lunch and dinner, and going at my own pace. Oh, joyous Morgantown, how I love thee...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good day at your own pace Monday!!!